Yubikey Neo – The safer, the better

Sometimes the task of safeguarding data can be an overwhelming one. How can you keep your databases safe without having to sacrifice convenience? Protecting databases containing personal or otherwise sensitive data is increasingly important. More and more service providers are using multi-factor authentication for their user accounts to protect against attacks against them. The idea is that you need a valid code for the login you are using in addition …

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Use secure emails

Ever since the Watergate scandal in the 1970s, Americans have been wary of Big Brother watching their every move. And while this might be an overreaction by some people, it’s important to be aware that online privacy is a privilege, not a right. Many accounts are created in Gmail or Yahoo for different needs, but sometimes the user forgets to use a secure email. The authorities demand that US mail …

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Encrypt your webmail

People are using these webmail services more and more, but they are not aware of the dangers. It is necessary to be careful with emails that can put your personal information at risk. Here, you will find some tips to help you protect your data while you perform everyday activities on your computer. Solutions Thunderbird is a great program, as is Outlook, the standard mail client for many companies. However, …

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