The Lapsus hacker group has blackmailed Nvidia

The Lapsus hacker group has hacked the Nvidia website and has leaked millions of people’s personal information. The hackers have threatened to release the information if Nvidia doesn’t pay them $3 million in bitcoins. There are still many unanswered questions about how this happened, but it is unclear if these hackers are part of a larger organization or individuals. The case Not many people probably knew the name of the …

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Conti may have a headache

Conti is a group that uses multiple cyber attacks to make money. They primarily use social engineering through email and information gathering. They also rely on spear-phishing emails that convince the target that they are receiving relevant information from their company. Conti tends to work with other hacker groups such as Anonymous because they share similar values and goals. The case Conti is a group that hopes to make a …

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